SpaceInvasion Battle Report
Battle Hall of Fame: Nexus

The following fleets fought against each other on 2023-02-16 03:37:14 :
ROUND - 1 -
Attacker dzik1975 [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:200% Shield:190% Defense:180%
Type Phoenix
Number 4000000
Firepower 960
Shield 522
Defense 140000

Defender ESPE© [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:190% Shield:190% Defense:190%
Type Interval cannon Laser cannon battery Solar cannon Large shield dome Transmitter Colony ship Solar cells Spy probe Imperial starbase
Number 200000 50000 50000 1 5000 1 40068 5000 1
Firepower 2610 2900 5800 0 377 29 0 0 101500
Shield 290 1160 2900 87000 203 232 14.5 17.4 43500
Defense 87000 116000 348000 116000 145000 130500 6380 8700 14500000

The attacking fleet fires 4000000 times with a firepower of 3840000000 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 262813718 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 350071 times with a firepower of 958986529 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 958986529 damage points.

ROUND - 2 -
Attacker dzik1975
Type Phoenix
Number 4000000
Firepower 960
Shield 522
Defense 140000

Defender ESPE©
Type Solar cannon
Number 394
Firepower 5800
Shield 2900
Defense 348000

The attacking fleet fires 4000000 times with a firepower of 3840000000 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 1142600 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 394 times with a firepower of 2285200 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 2285200 damage points.

ROUND - 3 -
Attacker dzik1975
Type Phoenix
Number 4000000
Firepower 960
Shield 522
Defense 140000

Defender ESPE©

The attacker won the battle!
He won 252.392.630 pieces of pig iron, 0 pieces of metal, 109.736.232 kryptonite crystals, 29.284.324 units of spice
The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
The defender lost a total of 4.538.474.600 units.

The chance of an asteroid forming is 20%