SpaceInvasion Battle Report
Battle Hall of Fame: Nexus

The following fleets fought against each other on 2021-09-01 04:40:44 :
Attacker [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:180% Shield:170% Defense:170%
Type Stealth bomber
Number 166426

Defender [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:190% Shield:190% Defense:200%
Type Mortar Turboflak Light graviton cannon Heavy graviton cannon Ion cannon Positron lighter Interval cannon Laser cannon battery Solar cannon Small shield dome Large shield dome
Number before 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 12500 10000 10000 1 1
Number after 950 993 973 990 994 999 12477 10000 10000 1 1

The stealth bomber destroyed 124 defense installations in the first strike attack.

ROUND - 1 -
Attacker [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:180% Shield:170% Defense:170%
Type Transmitter Small fighter Starcruiser Phoenix Spy probe Battleship Stealth bomber Destroyer
Number 300000 240000 335388 12275000 3405000 318960 166426 448918
Firepower 364 140 700 896 0 840 840 1960
Shield 189 27 270 486 16.2 810 270 1080
Defense 135000 16200 94500 135000 8100 162000 270000 297000

Defender [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:190% Shield:190% Defense:200%
Type Mortar Turboflak Light graviton cannon Heavy graviton cannon Ion cannon Positron lighter Interval cannon Laser cannon battery Solar cannon Small shield dome Large shield dome Transmitter Phoenix Colony ship Solar cells Spy probe Recycler Battleship Stealth bomber Destroyer Imperial starbase
Number 950 993 973 990 994 999 12477 10000 10000 1 1 332000 279 6 50000 195 150000 1000000 1000001 1000000 15000
Firepower 101.5 638 145 333.5 362.5 2030 2610 2900 5800 0 0 377 928 29 0 0 23.2 870 870 2030 101500
Shield 43.5 232 72.5 174 362.5 580 290 1160 2900 8700 87000 203 522 232 14.5 17.4 87 870 290 1160 43500
Defense 6000 36000 9000 21000 30000 120000 90000 120000 360000 39000 120000 150000 150000 135000 6600 9000 51000 180000 300000 330000 15000000

The attacking fleet fires 17489692 times with a firepower of 12663575120 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 3099589991.5 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 3585859 times with a firepower of 5544558430 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 5544558430 damage points.

ROUND - 2 -
Type Transmitter Small fighter Starcruiser Phoenix Battleship Stealth bomber Destroyer
Number 281345 69128 314694 11773266 318960 162550 448918
Firepower 364 140 700 896 840 840 1960
Shield 189 27 270 486 810 270 1080
Defense 135000 16200 94500 135000 162000 270000 297000

Type Positron lighter Solar cannon Transmitter Battleship Stealth bomber Destroyer Imperial starbase
Number 8 8395 20972 257885 585727 633310 15000
Firepower 2030 5800 377 870 870 2030 101500
Shield 580 2900 203 870 290 1160 43500
Defense 120000 360000 150000 180000 300000 330000 15000000

The attacking fleet fires 13368861 times with a firepower of 12165567316 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 1809967836 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 1521297 times with a firepower of 3598675424 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 3598675424 damage points.

ROUND - 3 -
Type Transmitter Small fighter Starcruiser Phoenix Battleship Stealth bomber Destroyer
Number 268889 31287 296815 11756922 318960 160373 448918
Firepower 364 140 700 896 840 840 1960
Shield 189 27 270 486 810 270 1080
Defense 135000 16200 94500 135000 162000 270000 297000

Type Solar cannon Destroyer Imperial starbase
Number 3129 15690 15000
Firepower 5800 2030 101500
Shield 2900 1160 43500
Defense 360000 330000 15000000

The attacking fleet fires 13282164 times with a firepower of 12126747388 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 679774500 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 33819 times with a firepower of 1572498900 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 1572498900 damage points.

ROUND - 4 -
Type Transmitter Small fighter Starcruiser Phoenix Battleship Stealth bomber Destroyer
Number 266279 22067 296815 11756922 318960 160373 448918
Firepower 364 140 700 896 840 840 1960
Shield 189 27 270 486 810 270 1080
Defense 135000 16200 94500 135000 162000 270000 297000

Type Imperial starbase
Number 180
Firepower 101500
Shield 43500
Defense 15000000

The attacking fleet fires 13270334 times with a firepower of 12124506548 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 7830000 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 180 times with a firepower of 18270000 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 18270000 damage points.

ROUND - 5 -
Type Transmitter Small fighter Starcruiser Phoenix Battleship Stealth bomber Destroyer
Number 266279 22067 296815 11756922 318960 160373 448918
Firepower 364 140 700 896 840 840 1960
Shield 189 27 270 486 810 270 1080
Defense 135000 16200 94500 135000 162000 270000 297000


The attacker won the battle!
He won 57.878.790 pieces of pig iron, 1.538.619 pieces of metal, 22.480.572 kryptonite crystals, 64.635.866 units of spice
The attacker lost a total of 41.067.903.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 364.824.247.000 units.

The chance of an asteroid forming is 20%