SpaceInvasion Battle Report
Battle Hall of Fame: Nexus

The following fleets fought against each other on 2020-04-18 03:42:12 :
ROUND - 1 -
Attacker TwoPair_ [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:180% Shield:170% Defense:170%
Type Transmitter Phoenix
Number 22 80001
Firepower 364 896
Shield 189 486
Defense 135000 135000

Defender [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:180% Shield:180% Defense:180%
Type Laser cannon battery Solar cannon Small shield dome Large shield dome Phoenix Solar cells
Number 2000 2000 1 1 300000 20000
Firepower 2800 5600 0 0 896 0
Shield 1120 2800 8400 84000 504 14
Defense 112000 336000 36400 112000 140000 6160

The attacking fleet fires 80023 times with a firepower of 71688904 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 71688904 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 324002 times with a firepower of 285600000 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 38884644 damage points.

ROUND - 2 -
Attacker TwoPair_
Type Laser cannon battery Solar cannon Large shield dome Phoenix
Number 2000 2000 1 300000
Firepower 2800 5600 0 896
Shield 1120 2800 84000 504
Defense 112000 336000 112000 140000

The defender won the battle!
The attacker lost a total of units.
The defender lost a total of 44.000.000 units.

The chance of an asteroid forming is 20%