SpaceInvasion Battle Report
Battle Hall of Fame: Retro

The following fleets fought against each other on 2019-06-27 15:25:37 :
ROUND - 1 -
Attacker Jawas [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:160% Shield:160% Defense:160%
Type Phoenix
Number 250000
Firepower 832
Shield 468
Defense 130000

Defender LORD-OF-THE-DARK [xx:xxx:xx]
Weapons:160% Shield:160% Defense:150%
Type Interval cannon Laser cannon battery Solar cannon Small shield dome Large shield dome Large transport Transmitter Small fighter Warship Phoenix Colony ship Solar cells Spy probe Recycler Battleship Destroyer Imperial starbase
Number 60 2 12 1 1 30 4961 18701 5 56096 39 330 5094 20015 9601 344 5
Firepower 2340 2600 5200 0 0 13 338 130 234 832 26 0 0 20.8 780 1820 91000
Shield 260 1040 2600 7800 78000 65 182 26 78 468 208 13 15.6 78 780 1040 39000
Defense 75000 100000 300000 32500 100000 35000 125000 15000 30000 125000 112500 5500 7500 42500 150000 275000 12500000

The attacking fleet fires 250000 times with a firepower of 208000000 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 37473654.4 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 115297 times with a firepower of 59976566 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 59976566 damage points.

ROUND - 2 -
Attacker Jawas
Type Phoenix
Number 249534
Firepower 832
Shield 468
Defense 130000

Type Interval cannon Solar cannon Large shield dome Transmitter Phoenix Colony ship Battleship Destroyer Imperial starbase
Number 14 12 1 2242 25799 12 5981 273 5
Firepower 2340 5200 0 338 832 26 780 1820 91000
Shield 260 2600 78000 182 468 208 780 1040 39000
Defense 75000 300000 100000 125000 125000 112500 150000 275000 12500000

The attacking fleet fires 249534 times with a firepower of 207612288 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 17741412 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 34339 times with a firepower of 27935076 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 27935076 damage points.

ROUND - 3 -
Attacker Jawas
Type Phoenix
Number 249534
Firepower 832
Shield 468
Defense 130000

Type Solar cannon Large shield dome Destroyer Imperial starbase
Number 5 1 59 5
Firepower 5200 0 1820 91000
Shield 2600 78000 1040 39000
Defense 300000 100000 275000 12500000

The attacking fleet fires 249534 times with a firepower of 207612288 + X damage points.
The defending fleet is damaged by 347360 damage points.
The defending fleet fires 70 times with a firepower of 588380 + X damage points.
The attacking fleet is damaged by 588380 damage points.

ROUND - 4 -
Attacker Jawas
Type Phoenix
Number 249534
Firepower 832
Shield 468
Defense 130000


The attacker won the battle!
He won 2.166.411 pieces of pig iron, 204.029 pieces of metal, 17.221.579 kryptonite crystals, 31.191.425 units of spice
The attacker lost a total of 23.300.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 4.163.564.000 units.

The chance of an asteroid forming is 20%